The principle of operation of an Gravity terminal lightning arrester is to create an upward streamer earlier than conventional air terminals or other objects on the earth. Gravity GLPS does this by collecting and storing ground charge during the initial phase of a thunderstorm development and emits strong and consistent upwards streamers to intercept leaders. These streamer from the finial tip earlier than other competing structural points, The Gravity GLPS terminal becoms a preferd Point for the capure of the lightning discharge within the protected area.
Features Of ESE Lightning Arrester
- Meets NFC 17-102 & UNE 21186 Standards.
- Tested to with stand multiple 40kA Impulses.
- High Quality Anti-Corrisive and Conductive Coating.
- Wind Resistance.
- 5 Years Replacement Warranty.
ESE Lightning Protection System Installation Arrangement
- ESE Lightining Rod
- Mast
- Down Conducter
- Lightining Strike Counter
- Inspection Joint
- Earthing System
Triggering Time Gain
The Triggering Time L T (ps) defined as the gain at the spark over instant obtained with an ESE terminal compared with a simple rod terminal exposed to the same conditions.
Different Modles of Gravity GLPS Lightning Arrester
- Gravity20
- Gravity40
- Gravity60
Weight=3.2 Kg.
Dia = 50mm
Length = 350mm
Weight= 4.6 Kg
Dia 65mm
Length = 350mm
Weight= 6 Kg.
Dia = 75mm
Length = 350mm
Triggering Time Distance Gain
According to NF C 17-102, the triggering time instance gain T is associated with a triggering time distance gain Delta L.
L = V. T where:
L (m): gain in lead distance of the spark over distance.
V) m/us) : the average speed of the downward tracer
T(us): gain inm spark over time of the upward leader
Lightning Protection of Structures
As a general rule for protection, the object to be protected shall be in the Radius of Protection of a Lightning Protection System whose electromagnetic characteristics are compatible with the capability of the object to withstand stress causing the damage. (physical damage, failure of electrical and electronic systems due to over-voltages.
Protection to reduce physical damage and life hazard: The functions of the external lightning arrester are
- To intercept a lightning flash to the structure (with an air-termination system).
- To conduct the lighftning current safely to earth (with a down-conductor system).
- To disperse it into the earth (with an earth- terminations system) and equalizer potential between othe earth – termination systems on site (with an isolation spark gap)
Four classes of LPS (I, II, III, IV) are defined as a set of construction rules.
Concept drawing for ESE Lightning Arrester
installation on Transmission Tower
Key Components of Lightning Arrester
(1) ESE Lightning Arrester
(2) Insulator
(3) Connecting arrangement with Tower
(4) Downconductor cable
(5) Lightning Counter
(6) Copper bonded Earthing
(7) Test link joint
(8) Inspection Chambers lockabe
(1) ESE LA with Insulator
(3) Digital Event Counter