Copper bonded earthing electrodes comes in market with different names such as Copper Bonded Earthing Rode, Copper Bonded Electrode, Copper Bonded Earth Rod, Copper Bonded Ground Rod, Copper Clad Steel Ground Rod, Copper Clad Earth Rod and Copper Clad Ground Rods etc. We can invoice anyone of them as per client needs especially Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode.

Copper bonded earthing electrodes economically are the best choice for almost all types of earthing. Arete Powertech is manufacturing and providing the following solutions:

1. Copper Bonded Electrode Manufacturer.
2. Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode Trader.
3. Copper Bonded Electrode Solutions Provider.
4. Copper Bonded Earthing Rode System Provider.
5. Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode Installation Service Provider.
6. Copper Bonded Electrode Turnkey Project Service Provider.

Read below more for Advantages, Applications & Product Details.

Made with steel core and a copper exterior to provide increased conductivity and corrosion resistance Adherence of copper to steel rod is achieved through a pioneered bright acid copper plating process using 12 stages using proper current densities, temperature and brightener additives to achieve copper plating with finer grain structure and a smoother, harder and more uniform surface.

copper earth rod

Copper Bonded Earthing Electrods

Copper bonded rod is most widely used as grounding electrodes. Arete manufacture the copper bonded earthing rod with copper coating of 254 micron on MS rod.


  • Prevent corrosion better than Galvanized rods allowing for approximately 30 years’ service life in most of the soil
  • Minimum tensile strength of 85,000 PSI and straightness tolerance 0.01″ per feet

UL 467 approved Copper bonded rods are available in various sizes from 1.0 meter to 4 meter and 10mm to 25mm in diameter.

Applications of Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode & Rods

  • Lightning Protection Systems
  • Substation
  • Data Centre
  • CNC Machine
  • Telecom Industries
  • UPS. EPBAX, FAX etc
  • Railway Signaling
  • Dimensionally accurate
  • Robust design
  • Seamless finish


  • Petrochemical, CNG, and Nuclear Facilities
  • Data Centre, Telecom and Broadcasters
  • Process Control and Automation
  • Government, Military, and Defence Substation, Wind turbines
Product Details:

Minimum Order Quantity  :  10 Piece

Brand                                     :  Arete

Diameter                               :  10 mm, 14.2mm , 17.2 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm

Length of Rod                       :   1 meter to 3 meter

Material                                 :    Copper coated 250 micron on steel electrode

Approvals                              :    CPRI

Copper Bonded Earthing Electrodes Why Important

Copper bonded earthing electrodes and rods are important components in electrical grounding systems for several reasons:

1. Effective Grounding: Copper bonded electrodes and rods provide a low-resistance path for electrical currents to safely dissipate into the ground. This helps prevent electrical shocks, equipment damage, and fires by ensuring proper grounding of electrical systems.

2. Corrosion Resistance: Copper bonding enhances the durability and longevity of the electrodes and rods by providing a protective layer against corrosion. This ensures consistent performance and reliability over time, even in harsh environmental conditions.

3. High Conductivity: Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, offering low resistance to the flow of electrical currents. This means that copper bonded electrodes and rods can efficiently carry electrical charges to the ground, improving the effectiveness of the grounding system.

4. Low Maintenance: Compared to other materials, copper bonded electrodes and rods require minimal maintenance due to their corrosion-resistant properties. This reduces the need for frequent inspections and replacements, resulting in cost savings and improved operational efficiency.

5. Compliance with Standards: Many electrical safety standards and regulations require the use of copper bonded earthing electrodes and rods to ensure adequate grounding of electrical installations. By using compliant materials, businesses can avoid legal penalties and ensure the safety of their personnel and equipment.

Overall, copper bonded earthing electrodes and rods play a critical role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and compliance of electrical systems, making them indispensable components in various industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

Copper Bonded Earthing Electrodes Installation Process

The installation process for copper bonded earthing electrodes typically involves several key steps to ensure proper grounding and effective electrical safety. Here’s a general overview of the installation process:

1. Site Survey and Preparation: Begin by conducting a thorough site survey to identify the optimal location for installing the copper bonded earthing electrodes. Factors such as soil composition, moisture levels, and proximity to electrical equipment should be taken into account. Prepare the site by clearing any obstacles and ensuring adequate space for excavation.

2. Excavation: Dig a pit of appropriate dimensions based on the specifications provided for the copper bonded earthing electrodes. The depth and diameter of the pit will depend on factors such as soil resistivity and the required depth of the electrode.

3. Electrode Placement: Lower the copper bonded earthing electrode into the pit, ensuring that it is positioned vertically and securely anchored in place. The top portion of the electrode should extend above the ground level to facilitate connections and inspections.

4. Backfilling: Surround the electrode with a suitable backfill material such as a mixture of bentonite and conductive compound. This backfill material helps maintain low resistance around the electrode and enhances its conductivity. Compact the backfill material thoroughly to minimize air gaps and ensure good contact with the electrode.

5. Connection: Connect the copper bonded earthing electrode to the electrical system using appropriate conductors, clamps, and connectors. Ensure that all connections are tight, secure, and properly insulated to prevent corrosion and maintain electrical continuity.

6. Testing and Verification: Once the installation is complete, perform electrical testing to verify the effectiveness of the grounding system. This may include measurements of earth resistance using specialized testing equipment to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.

7. Documentation and Maintenance: Record all relevant details of the installation, including location, depth, and test results, in comprehensive documentation. Implement a regular maintenance schedule to inspect and maintain the copper bonded earthing electrodes, ensuring continued performance and safety.

By following these steps diligently, Arete Powertech are ensure the proper installation of copper bonded earthing electrodes, providing reliable electrical grounding and enhancing safety in your facility.